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This 1 Mistake can Destroy Your YouTube Growth in 2022

This 1 Mistake can Destroy Your YouTube Growth in 2022

This 1 YouTube Mistake can Destroy Your Growth! 2022

This One Mistake can Destroy Your YouTube  Growth  

Credit: Ryan Walsh 

Hey, guys, here is my YouTube Channel experience in this blog and On my first channel webhead, I remember the day when one of my videos went viral. I absolutely lost my mind. It was the first time one of my videos hit over a million views.

I felt like I finally made it in all my words were over and now every video that I would upload would probably get at least 100,000 views right? 

But this is where I made a huge mistake before and after that video went viral. I was only trying to make viral content the entire time. I didn't think about anything else but views and subscribers.

And that was just my sole focus when it came to creating content on YouTube in personally this is where I think most creators even if they do see a little bit of success on the channel or if they don't see any, this is where they lose focus because a lot of the time and I'm guilty of this as well. 

I've been guilty of this not only just went on my first you know but even today, I get sometimes impatient when I don't get the views that I want or the subscribers I want on my channel.

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This is My Huge Mistake of  YouTube Career!

So I decided that I'm going to completely throw out the content strategy I had before and then go into a new one and basically just try to make only videos,

I know will get a lot of views on my channel. And I think that is a huge mistake that entire time on my first channel and the reason why it inevitably failed was because,

I was focused on the numbers and they never focused on what really mattered which was one person this is exactly what happened when I focus just solely on the number my views down. And I know I always say focus on one person. 

So you probably like it right how about some new information because this just isn't enough, not cutting? Well. What I have to say is that is what you really should do. Is the focus on going deeper and not wider with your audience. 

Target a Specific Audience for Grow Your YouTube Channel

Now, what exactly do I mean to say you're a channel all about Instagram. And of course, you know that if you do a video about maybe how to get more Instagram followers or 1000 Instagram followers or whatever that's most likely going to get a ton of views instead of maybe talking about exactly how to target a specific audience on Instagram. 

Obviously, we all know that talking about how to get Instagram followers is going to get more clicks and more views. Then the other topic would that you should be focusing on as well is that you want to go deeper with your audience because then you're going to be able to actually help that audience with a particular problem. 

And basically, you're just providing value to them. And that will keep them coming back to your videos again and again and again. And that's where our focus should be all of our content should be focusing around helping these people solve their problems. 

Instead of just focusing on a broad spectrum. And you're just going to hit the surface level and basically, you're not going to stand out whatsoever. However, there is a catch when it comes to going deeper with your audience. 

Start Going to Deeper with Your Youtube Audience.

When I started going deeper and not wider with my audience. The videos didn't go anywhere on my current channel every single one didn't get that many views. 

And it's all because your audience most of the time doesn't know what they need to solve their problems. They just know what they want. So if I upload a video about getting a high click-through rate, it doesn't get any views. 

But if I upload a video about getting views, then it does so clearly. There's a combination here in cages that rely on one strategy over the other. So when you go to make your content, your title, 

Your thumbnail and your topic should all be surrounding something that you know your audience is going to click on and is what they want to cover when they get into your video. That is when you go deeper with them. 

And you teach them something that is relating to that topic still because we don't want to mislead anybody. But we want to relate it so that you can teach that deeper meeting topic that's going to bring more value in your videos. 

You can take recant video of my channel on the same topic, for example, when I sat down to make this video I had one specific idea in mind stop trying to make viral videos I thought it'd be a great title in I even had the thumbnail ready to go for. But once I stepped back and looked at my results, I saw that most likely wouldn't get views. 

Even when I looked at other creators in my niche whenever they made a video about going viral or trying to get your video to go viral. It didn't go and so instead I decided to take a topic that has been proven to get views and then within the video I can talk about the very thing I wanted to talk about, which stopped trying to make viral content. 

So you can see that you're going to be able to have the best of both worlds here where your marketing and your thumbnail, your title, all that kind of stuff is going to be able to get you more views because your audience is actually interested in that topic. 

And then they want to click on it. But then at the same time when they actually watch your video. It's going to have a deeper meaning that's going to impact that person you're trying to target. And it'll provide a lot of value for that specific person which will keep them coming back and again and again. And again. 

Now, this alone won't get you the views that you're looking for, because the quantity of uploads has a part to play in this as well. And I'll see you guys over there. Bye