How to Beats The YouTube Algorithm?
Graham Stephan is by far one of The biggest YouTuber in the finance niche getting over 3 million subscribers and over 278 million views.
So today we're gonna dig into his channel and see how he beats the YouTube algorithm. So we're all about mastering growth and monetization on YouTube.
Strategy No. 1 Trending Topics
Strategy number one, which is probably one of the most important things he does on his channel. And that is just trending topics you can see right on his channel right here that some of his most recent videos are literally all trending topics,
Obviously, within finance, these crypto is huge right now, not only that, but he also talks about Dogecoin, which is another cryptocurrency that's blowing up, you can just see, he's always on top of these trending topics.
And he always making sure that he's extremely relevant within the YouTube algorithm because trending topics is just a great way to make sure that your channel is always relevant. And of course, something else that's really great about his trending topics is that he doesn't just find one way to talk about a trending topic,
Basically, any little thing to get those trending topic views. He's basically finding a way to get that onto his channel and make content around it. That's interesting to his target audience. Now there is one thing I definitely want to mention as well,
It's actually a lot easier to grow a massive channel like Graham has, then just staying a massive channel and actually always staying relevant in at the top because a lot of these craters, whenever they get to a million subscribers,
That's when a lot of them literally just lose the momentum and they can't stay on top, once they hit the top, then they go right back down in Graham is just one of those successful channels that has been able to actually keep his momentum up and stay relevant for a really long time. And that's a lot harder than growing to a massive scale.
Strategy No. 2 - Quantity of Videos
Strategy Number two is the quantity of the videos he uploads on his channel. Now a lot of content creators out there, they think to themselves that they're just going to upload maybe once a month, maybe two times a month, three times, whatever it is,
Well, Graham here uploads three times a week. And you can see that every single week, you Lilly has three videos, you can see this video came out a day ago, this one came up four days ago, and then six days ago, one week ago, one week ago, one week ago.
And he is just extremely consistent by uploading three videos a week, he just keeps the momentum going on his channel. And honestly this kind of guarantees that he's going to be always relevant because he's literally just always uploading on his channel.
And his audience clearly likes that he uploads this much content on his channel as well because there definitely are some niches where they don't want three videos a week, they might just want one video a week.
And obviously, that's something you have to see within your data. But with Graham in the finance niche, obviously, if you upload three videos a week, that is instantly going to be a winner for you.
And honestly, for his channel, he grew really fast, even though it took him years to gain a couple million subscribers, but he was still able to get 3 million subscribers within four years on YouTube.
And most of the time, that is just not possible for a lot of channels. Sometimes it takes people four years just to gain 100,000 subscribers, or maybe just 1 million, but he was able to do 3 million subscribers in just four years, which is absolutely crazy.
I did want to mention this one thing as well is that by uploading a lot more content, means that grant actually is able to cover all the topics that he probably wants to cover. And I think that with a lot of different channels, including mine, I found this to be a problem with my channel,
My strategy is by uploading less content, you're not able to make videos on every little topic that you really want to cover on your channel. I know there's a lot of topics that I really want to talk about. But because I'm only able to upload two videos a week,
Strategy No. 3 - Building a Strong Community
Strategy number three. And this is probably the most important in my opinion, but that's building a really strong community. Now there's a book that I mentioned a couple times in some of my videos.
And that book is called Primal Branding. And what this book basically does is it break down this seven-part primal code. And what that code is basically doing is basically showing you exactly why some people are attached to some brands like Apple or Starbucks and other brands. They're just not attached to at all.
And in my opinion, Graham Steffen shows three of the primal codes in almost every single one of his videos. The first one being rituals, rituals are basically just repeated interactions that Graham has with his audience, and is basically showing up in every single one of his videos.
He basically opened up those videos the exact same way just by saying what's up you guys. it's Graham here. And that right there shows a repeated interaction that he has every single time with his audience.
It's something that his audience literally has just come to expect from every single one of his videos. The second one would be sacred words.
And those are just phrases that the core audience basically picks up on in almost every single one of his videos. So you could say that his phrases are when he always talks about his 20 cent iced coffee this day should now be renamed and known as the 20 cents iced coffee day,
Because everybody knows him to be on the more frugal side when he's really just trying to save as much money as possible and invest it in real estate or maybe stocks.
Another one is that he loves avocado toast. And of course, he tries to save money with that as well. And all this stuff really just builds that community and it gets his audience to know him a little bit better than the third element of the promo code that he uses,
How to Beats The YouTube Algorithm?
Strategy No. 4- Transparency
Basically, ties really well into strategy number four, which is his transparency, he's extremely transparent and honest with his entire audience. But the third element of the promo code is actually his creation story.
The creation story basically is just your entire backstory, and his audience knows exactly where he came from, and how he got started on YouTube. And within real estate, this is something that he brought up in a lot of different videos.
But this is honestly how we first got started, he talks about it a lot. And on his homepage, you can actually see the first video that he ever uploaded.
And of course, in his story, he always basically mentioned that he was never a really good student in high school. And he had such low grades that he wasn't able to go on to college.
So the route that he chose to go was basically just becoming a real estate agent. And by sharing those vulnerable moments, he's really just showing you an opening up to his entire audience exactly what he's gone through and how hard he had to work in order to get where he is today.
And of course, he wants to help everyone else get to the level that he's at, or at least just do better than what they're doing within their finances.
Now, when Graham was just getting started in the finance niche, most of the other content creators that were within this space, all did the exact same thing.
They always flaunted their wealth and kind of threw it in people's faces. They were showing their Lamborghinis, they were showing their private jets, and just a huge stack of money.
And that's what actually separated Graham from everybody else because Graham never did that. Instead, he was always transparent. And he did have like one car and a lot of his videos.
But that car basically just showed you the consistency of his frugality because he bought that car when it was already used.
And when he went to go sell that car, he was able to actually get the exact same price that he bought it for. So it didn't go down in price.
So it shows you He wasn't just willing to go buy a really fancy car to show it off. Instead, it was extremely consistent with his character. And it showed you exactly how frugal he really was.
Not only that, but he also shows his income all the time, he has a ton of videos on his channel, just showing off his income showing off his entire portfolio and also the rental properties that he has and how he was able to obtain it.
All this just connects him better with his audience. And that's probably something you should be doing with your channel as well.
Strategy No. 5 - Thumbnails, Titles, and Topics
Strategy number five, and this is how he really stays on top. And that should because of his thumbnails in his titles, finance can be extremely boring. And typically it is it's not really an interesting topic to talk about on a YouTube channel.
However, Grimm finds a way to make it always interesting with his titles and his topics. And then it's just thumbnails as well and just makes his audience always want to click on his video,
He could be doing boring things like just tutorial after tutorial. Instead, he comes up with a really good idea of how to integrate maybe the news trending topics.
And you can see that he comes up with a really interesting idea out of it. and the title is just a lot more interesting than someone coming up with a video on what exactly is Dogecoin this is just going to get more clicks in that because it's showing him going all-in on,
And he's probably going to explain exactly what Dogecoin is, within this video, all of this, it just creates urgency and he knows exactly that his audience is interested in all these different cryptocurrencies.
And that's just how he stays on top and you can see it just by the proof of his views. And see this video right here almost has a million views all in on Dogecoin. This one actually does have a million views on the freaky truth of the $1 Dogecoin.
And he just gets hundreds of 1000s of views, every single upload and it's absolutely crazy what he's able to accomplish RIM's channel is full of great strategies,
But if you want to learn the strategies from the King of YouTube, Mr. Beast, then be sure to click on this video right here and I'll see you guys over there. Bye