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Best 5 Free Ways to Promote Your New YouTube Channel to Guarantee Views.

Best 5 Free Ways to Promote Your New YouTube Channel to Guarantee Views.

Best Ways to Promote Your New YouTube Channel (2022)

Best Ways to Promote Your New YouTube Channel (2022)

Hey, guys, here is my YouTube channel experience In this blog, I'm gonna inform you of five proven ways to promote your new YouTube channel to guarantee views. 

I've used these same methods to promote one of my older videos. And with that initial boost, I was able to get that video to over 285,000 views and yes, this even works if you have zero subscribers on your channel. So let's just get right into it.

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Step No. 1 to (Promote Your New YouTube Channel)

Number one is Facebook groups and the reason I put this as the first step is because I know a lot of people are already doing this with their own YouTube channels. But I want you to know that most of you are probably doing it wrong. 

For example, say you're in a Facebook group with a bunch of other YouTube creators and they decided to share your video on there because you want to pick up some extra views but your videos are all about cooking. It has nothing to do with YouTube. 

Do you really think that group and those people are going to be the best people to promote your video to probably not Yes, initially you're going to see some subscription come in, you're going to see some views comment, 

But that's all you're going to get because those aren't going to be long-term viewers. The next time you go and upload a video, 

Those people aren't going to come back to support you. It's literally the same thing as a sub for something because you're only getting that promotion for one video and you're not going to get any long-term subscribers. 

So while the algorithm is trying to figure out exactly who the right viewer is for that video, you're promoting it to people that really shouldn't be watching that video, 

Which in turn is confusing the algorithm so it has no idea who wrote the video to but instead of promoting it to the wrong people, 

You should try to find the right Facebook groups with the right people in it and I don't want to hear that there's no Facebook groups that promote your videos because there are so many different types of Facebook groups out there. 

So you should be able to find at least one, for example, if you're making videos on helping young women lose weight, then I would go right on here to Facebook, and I would go up to the Groups tab.

Then I'd go over here to search groups and that's exactly what I would type into something that is just a keyword that would describe exactly what your channel is all about. 

So we can go here and type in women and of course, you can see there's a ton right here you can go to see all you go right here you can see weight loss support group friendly and free drama. 

39,000 people in that in that group, natural weight loss support group 139,000 People in this one course they'll tell you 280 posts a day you want to make sure that these groups are actually active instead of just seeing how many people are within that group because you could have a group that has 139,000 Different people in it. 

But if they're not active then that just means there's nobody really participating at all and you don't want to join a group like that because if you look at it 280 posts a day and this one group, 

Well, this one down here, weight loss motivation has 26,000 But they have 180 posts per day. So just seeing the difference in the number of people that are within both these groups, and then the activity is only down 100 posts, so that's really not that bad. 

But once you find the right combination between the amount of members and the amount of activity within the group, then you want to get yourself into the group. Of course,

I'm not going to show you how to do that with this, because that would be really weird if I decided to join one of these groups, because everybody would look at me and be like, Yeah, you're not going to join this one they would decline immediately. 

But the main objective of this is really just to go in there and engage with a bunch of posts and a bunch of people within that group. 

You can do this by commenting and liking different posts in really just creating posts of your own. I do warn you though, don't just go into these groups and post your videos because that's a horrible idea. 

We don't want to do that right off the bat. That's something that we're going to be doing a little bit later on the model I would really follow with this is of course you want to go in there every single day to all these different groups. 

And you want to go in and comment on people's posts and you want to make sure that you're going to make posts, but the way to make posts is to go through the feed once you get in there and then write down the topics of the posts that really got a lot of engagement. 

So you can see that one post got five comments and only like two likes, but then another one got 100 comments and 100 likes then obviously you're going to want to look at that post and be like okay, what's the topic of this one? 

And how can I recreate it because you want to bring a lot of attention to your posts so that you're just making a lot of new friends within that community once you do that daily for 15 to 30 minutes and of course probably for two weeks period? 

After that, then go to the adamant in now that you've been more of an active participant. Now you can go and ask them Hey, is it okay? If I share my video with the group? 

I think it would really benefit everybody. And they're going to be a lot more likely to tell you yes because you've been participating and been an active member in their communities for so long. And they're going to look at that and be like, 

You know what, yeah, let's this person share their video. And not only that but then the community itself all the different members are going to be more likely to support you because you've been making friends within that community. 

And you don't want to ask every single time you upload a video you want to ask probably every three videos that you upload because then they're just going to look at you as someone that just kind of using the group for your own benefit and you don't want to be looked at as a person like that. Also, when you're putting your video on a post, be sure not to embed the video within the post basically just making the post a video. 

Instead, you want to put a direct link in there because if people just go in that Facebook group and they can watch your video, YouTube is not going to count that as a view.

Instead, you want to get these people off of Facebook onto your YouTube channel so that they can actually be counted as views and they can become subscribers if they want to also put a picture of the thumbnail on there and a little brief description describing what the video is all about. 

So you can definitely get some eyeballs on that it's not just a link when I tried this strategy with this video right here, I was able to get 61 extra views within the first day of uploading the video and on average my videos on my channel. 

This time we're averaging about three to 10 views a day, so there wasn't a lot of traction coming to my channel. 

So 61 views. That was a huge accomplishment for me. Back then. And I know it doesn't seem like a ton of views right off the bat. But with little moves like this, you'd be surprised of how quickly All this adds up. 

Because once you get the right target audience onto your channel, then those people are going to be more likely to become loyal subscribers that are going to keep watching your videos and they'll become just a snowball effect that will really just add up as time goes on. And you'll be over 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in no time. 

But if I just let YouTube do this by itself, that would have taken a good probably month or two months for all those views and subscribers to come into my channel organically. So by doing this, 

Step No. 2 to (Promote Your New YouTube Channel)

It just really sped up the process step number two is to comment on your competitors' videos. The reason you really want to do this is because you're becoming a part of that community in that niche on YouTube when you start posting videos. 

So the best way to become part of that community when you're not really well known is to go and engage with that already existing audience that's on your competitors' channel. 

Once again, no, I have to really say this. Don't just go into these communities and spam them you have to provide value upfront. 

You can't just go in and say sub-two sub or hey, I just made a video just like this one. Here's a link to it, or here's a link to my new video. Nobody wants to see that you're just spamming the community and then you're going to get blocked from that channel. 

The best thing you can do is just go in and answer as many questions as possible because you want to go and provide value and really help people with their problems. 

I personally spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour a day going in and commenting on other competitors' videos and I don't get a ton of views doing this. 

And that's obvious because look at some of the views on my videos as of right now, but it's enough to make a difference. 

Obviously, there's not going to be a lot of people that are going to go and click your channel icon so they go right to your channel when you comment on their posts. 

But if they do and they see that that channel is for them, then they're a lot more likely to go and subscribe and watch a couple of your videos. 

And it's something that's really interesting about this is that when you're going in you're getting these people to come over to your channel and say some of them subscribe there next is going to be the type of viewers that are going to go and watch your videos and that's really all you get out of them, 

Which is fine, but they're going to be the people that are going to actually comment on your channel and like your videos, which is something that you really want because it's just that foundation of really building a community and they can feel a part of that especially from the beginning as you grow. 

When you grow. People feel a little bit more a part of it because they've been there since the beginning. If you do this consistently, though, you're going to be really surprised with some of the results that you're going to get. 

Step No. 3 to (Promote Your New YouTube Channel)

Step number three is to find some forums and some blogs, a lot of these blogs and forums are doing the exact same thing that we are doing. Basically, they're just looking for content that is interesting for their audience so they can keep them engaged and they can keep posting consistently. 

So that's where you come in and you can write up an email, which their emails should be listed somewhere on their pages.

A lot of times if you're on their website, they're going to have a like a contact page. You can go there and try to find their email or sometimes you have to ask for it which is totally fine. You can do that as well. 

And then just write a friendly email being completely honest with them and transparent and saying, Hey, I really like your blog. I think this video would really benefit your audience and provide a lot of value to them, then they could be really likely to share your video. 

However, I do want to tell you that I'm not the biggest fan of promoting your videos this way just because I personally have never really gotten good results. With this. However, I have seen other people do it and they have gotten a lot of viewers from this. 

So it could be something that you could have a lot of potential with. And that's why I want to add in this video, but I really want you to just know that I personally have never really gotten any viewers this way.

Step No. 4 to (Promote Your New YouTube Channel)

Step number four is promoting your videos to other social media platforms. So say you have an Instagram a Facebook page or even a Twitter account that is dedicated to the exact same target audience and the exact same topics that you talked about on your YouTube channel. 

Those are going to be the perfect places to go and promote your video. once it goes live, or these other social media accounts that you have are extremely generic and they're just your basic profile pages and they forget about the exact same topics and don't have the same target audience as your YouTube videos do then don't go and promote your videos because nobody is gonna want to watch just like Facebook groups.

You do not want to confuse the algorithm. You always want to make sure that the people you're sending a link to are the exact same people that your videos are for, even if it's your mom, your dad, your sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, I don't care who it is. Don't send them a link because it is literally just useless data. 

However, if you are going to do this, you want to make sure you're making a big deal about this. And I'll give you an example of how I would promote your YouTube video on say Instagram. So the first thing you would do is go right into your Instagram app. 

And then you can go up to your camera right on the top left corner. And what you want to do is you want to create a story for your video. So say you already have a clip of the video already on your phone. The first thing that I would really want to do to make sure this is a big deal. 

Take this video for example I'm making it right now well you can take a small clip, see the beginning of my video, basically explaining exactly what the entire video is about what value people are going to be getting out of it. And then you combine that with some of the text on Instagram story. 

So it could go in here and get a little creative and say promote your YouTube channel. The next thing I would do is go in and create a hashtag what you can do here, 

You can go right up to this smiley face. And you go to hashtag say YouTube because that's what the video was about. Where you can go to a youtube channel for something that's a little bit less competitive. 

And of course, you put that underneath your text so that it doesn't show up, you know, show that you're doing hashtag the little hack right there.

And of course, you can put some arrows and make sure you say link in fine and that's exactly how you can basically go in and create an Instagram story and promote your video. 

Of course, there's probably a lot of people on here that probably don't have Instagram pages that have over 10,000 followers because you can't just do the swipe up but if you could do swipe up that's exactly what you want to do. 

You want to swipe up and link your YouTube video to that but not only is that a great way to promote your videos, but I would also go in and make a couple other posts really just featuring some comments that were on your video can go right here and we can see that this person it's James Edwards comments in my video three days ago. 

We can go in and basically say you just say thanks, James. The course first another hashtag to YouTube again. Behind Thanks, James. 

And of course, you don't want to just thank the person but also you want to entice other people to go in and comment on your channel. as well so you can say get results. Just like James put another sticker to make it more tising lip flame down there. 

Yeah, that's good. And you can really just put it like this and this will just make it more intriguing for your audience on Instagram.

What that does is it creates engagement for your YouTube videos completely organically and this is exactly how a bunch of people get a lot of comments on their videos right off the bat. 

And of course, with this strategy, you can do the exact same thing for Facebook and Twitter. Of course, those are going to be more posts related except Facebook does have a story feature but I would write a post about it and do the exact same thing with Twitter.

Step No. 5 to (Promote Your New YouTube Channel)

Number five is letting you to promote your video completely organically. There are several ways you can do this, whether it's SEO which is basically just finding a particular keyword or topic that has a lot of attention within your niche. 

And then you go and put that keyword in your title, your description, and your tags so that people can find your video within YouTube search or you just aren't promoting your video at all and you're letting the YouTube algorithm figure out exactly who is best for your videos from my experience all the videos that have blown up from my previous channels. 

They've all been done because YouTube organically found the right person for that video, including this video that I showed you during the first step.

You can see that if I go to since uploaded which is the lifetime of the video, we go to reach and we go down to traffic sources by types. 

You can see that right here browse features was 57.1% of the traffic drive to this video and then suggested videos were 31% and of course YouTube search 7.6 And then all the way the bottom which is Director unknown links or external was 1.3% and 0.5%. Of course, those were a couple 1000 views on the video. And that didn't really have a huge impact on this video. 

This video would have taken off whether I promoted it or not because eventually it got picked up within browse features. 

We can see that if we click on Browse features, we can see that the homepage which is basically if you just go right on the main page of YouTube whenever you go in, you can see that there's a ton of videos recommended for you. 

Basically what this tells us is no matter where you promote your videos, YouTube is always going to be the number one promotion for your videos. 

Now yourself once again the YouTube algorithm's job is to find the right video for the right viewer at the right time. The timing is what really takes a lot of patience because your video may not take off yet because there isn't a lot of interest around that topic just yet. 

So that's why you always want to make sure you're doing trending topics but that's a video for another time for example with this video that I made right here, which was all about starting a brand new YouTube channel with just your phone. 

I've seen a lot of attention surrounding this video in the last couple of months, of course, I did my own keyword research and I saw that this topic was trending in the last couple of months to since the pandemic hit. 

People have been trying to start a YouTube channel of course the best way to start one is with your phone because that's all you need. And most people don't have an expensive camera so they can just use their phone. 

So that's why I've seen this video blow up and why I decided to make this video and at the time this was the only video I decided not to promote. 

And you can see right here in my analytics you can see within the first nine days of this video being published that YouTube really started to promote it. Of course, the impressions you can see right here went from 89 On the first day from hovering around 200 all the way up until day number nine workout up to 511 impressions. 

And of course, it just skyrocketed up to 13,000 impressions all the way up to date 15 in the reason that YouTube was doing this because there was a lot of traffic around this topic corpora if you look at my traffic sources as well, we dig a little bit deeper, 

You can see that 54% of the views on this video, were from suggested videos, and then 18% was from the Browse feature but the thing is with 13,000 impressions you think that this video would get a lot more traction, 

But this is exactly why small YouTubers have such a tough time at the start of when they're trying to get traction on their channel. 

YouTube does not know who the right viewer is for your particular videos and who they should promote it to because we go down to my traffic sources suggested videos and we see where it was being promoted. 

You can see the best level of your microphone under $20 with the sound test so it knows that there's probably going to be some camera equipment people that are interested in this you can see there's a ton of different tech videos that mic video was suggested. 

And from what I'm gathering what I have experienced in the past with my previous channel seeing this is that what YouTube is really doing with this video is seeing that there's a lot of traffic around this video, of course, 

So it's trying to learn exactly who the right viewer is. So it's going to show it to a bunch of different people to analyze that data. And then when the time is right, it will promote the video when it needs to be promoted. 

So right now might not be the right time. Maybe the trend has passed but in a year or maybe in three months. It might push the video out because it knows exactly who this video is for now because it already did. Its initial push-out. 

That's just my opinion though. This is what's going through my head and what I'm gathering from this as YouTube is really just trying to figure out exactly who my audience really is. 

Who am I targeting? I know most people are going to look at this and say 13,000 impressions and you only got 99 views on this video. That's really bad, but you're not wrong. That is really bad. 

And the click-through rate I'm pretty sure is only about 0.5% or 0.5% you can see right here on the impressions click-through rate however when you to really promote your video out and it goes out to a more general audience that's when your click-through rate actually goes down. 

However, if it can stay at that level and hold a really good click-through rate with a general audience, then that means your video is probably going to get a million views it's really just all about patients,

But I know patients are really difficult sometimes for small YouTubers so if you want to learn how to get more views and subscribers easily on your channel, then be sure to check out this video right here. 

Also, if you're a content creator, that wants to leverage YouTube to build an online business and take control of your life, But thank you all very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one. Bye