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How to Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console Tips & Tricks 2022

How to Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console Tips & Tricks 2022

7 Tips & Tricks To Improve Google Rankings.

How to Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console Tips & Tricks 2022
Today I'm gonna be going over seven Google Search Console tips and tricks to help you improve your rankings. So to get started with Google Search Console, if you're not using it yet, what you want to do is you want to go to 

You're gonna see this exact page right here. And what you can do is you can click on this Search Console link. So the Google Search Console allows you to track your website's performance in the Google search engine in terms of clicks, impressions, your average position, 

and then you can also find some technical issues or technical enhancements for your website. So in order to get started, what you're gonna do is you're going to click on Google Search Console, you're going to click on this link right here. 

It's going to open up a search console that looks something like this. And what you need to do is from this drop-down, you can come down and add a property. So when you add a property, what you can do is you can verify your website using Google Tag Manager in HTML file and HTML tag, 

Google Analytics, or your domain name provider. I would highly recommend using Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics for your domain name provider, any of those three will work perfectly, and that allows you to track exactly how your website is performing. 

How to Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console Tips & Tricks 2022

So now I want to show you are some of the different things I like to do with Google Search Console. So I'm going to open up Google search console here for my website, farmhouse goals, 

Calm and you can see it's showing clicks over the last three months from my website directly from So if I come back over here, 

Google Search Console Tips & Tricks To Improve Google Rankings.

1. Export Search Queries and Find Search Volume.

I want to get started with number one, which is going to be to export your search queries and find the search volume. So step one is we're going to be going to this performance tab here. So we come back over to the Google Search Console, and what we're going to do is click on performance. 

And it's going to show the last three months here. So we can just use the last three months of data and we're going to scroll down and you're gonna see queries here. 

So it's going to show the top search terms that are driving clicks and impressions to our website. So what we want to do with this data is just export it. So we're gonna click on export data here. You can either download a CSV file or download this directly to Google Sheets. 

For this, I'm going to download a CSV file and open it in Microsoft Excel. Okay, I've downloaded and opened the CSV. Okay, I've downloaded and opened the CSV file. 

So what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to take impressions here, and I'm gonna be looking at the top search queries by impressions. So we're going to take this column we're going to come over here to data and we're just going to do Z to A, so from highest to lowest. 

So it's gonna we're going to expand the selection. So it's going to show the top searched keywords, the keywords that are driving clicks and impressions for our website. 

So what I want to do is I want to take these search terms right here and we're going to scroll down and I'm going to select about the first 500 of them. I've selected 500. 

Now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to copy these keywords and we're going to come over to a free tool that's available and its search And what it is is a free keyword search volume tool that's going to give you this search volume from the Google Keyword Planner. 

And all we need to do is enter our keywords here. So you're allowed to check 800 daily keywords, and you'll get search volume statistics for those keywords. So I'm just going to come here and I'm going to paste the keywords that I selected in the previous step. 

So basically what we do is we export our top keywords from Google Search Console, we open that in a CSV file or in a copy I'm just going to choose 500. Here you can do 800 keywords if you want. 

If you only want to focus on the top 200 You can only take this and we're gonna click on Submit and now what you're going to see is it's going to give me all of these keywords and the search volume for all these keywords as well. 

So if I come over here to average monthly searches, and we just rank it, what it's going to do is go from high to low again, and we can see some of the top keywords that are driving traffic to my website. 

So using this data, what I can do is I can find, okay, something like farmhouse dining table rustic Chevaliers, farmhouse sinks, rustic ceiling fans, these are all keywords that are getting a lot of searches every month, and they're keywords that if I optimize better for and try to improve my rankings, in truth, improve my position, then it's going to help me drive more organic search traffic back to my website. 

So number one is going to be to export these search terms, find the search volume for them using search And you're going to see here this is going to give me this search volume for all these different keywords. 

And I can just come in there and I can download that CSV file and it's gonna allow me to use that data to improve my website and improve my SEO rankings as well. Okay, 

2. Find Technical Issues in the 'Enhancements' Section

Next is going to be number two and number two is going to be to find technical issues in the enhancements section. So directly from the Overview tab in Google Search Console. 

So we're going to open up Google Search Console again, directly from this overview tab right here. What we can see is if we scroll down, it's going to show enhancements. 

How to Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console Tips & Tricks 2022

And with enhancements, it's going to show us valid errors and trends. So errors is gonna allow you to see some of the errors that Google is giving you for your website in the Google search results. 

So if we just take speed and you're gonna see it's gonna say speed experimental for right now, that might change over time speed is pretty new. 

It's saying I have complete errors for the section. mobile usability I'm pretty much valid across the board. Accelerated Mobile Pages. I have a lot of errors there. Bread crumbs on valid logos, I have errors there site leak search box completely valid. 

So some of these I'm not too worried about if I come to Accelerated Mobile Pages here, click on Open report. It's going to show me some of the errors I'm getting valid with warnings and then completely valid. 

So that's going to show me some of the issues that I need to fix for my website. So with Accelerated Mobile Pages, the errors I've over 1000 errors here. 

So you're gonna say the amp HTML tag has an invalid layout specified by its attributes. So that's something that I need to fix. The next if I come over here to speed. So speed is giving me errors. It's saying I have complete slow URLs for my entire website. 

If I come here and go to Open report, and I scroll down and click on details, it's saying My issue is that it's taking longer than three seconds to load on desktop devices. So if I click on this, it's going to give me some specific URLs. 

And you're going to see here, these are some specific URLs. So the average load time is anywhere from three seconds to 4.8 seconds. So it's really not the end of the world. It's just something where I need to continue to clean up my website and improve the speed for my website, which is something I'm planning on work. 

So you can find all these issues directly from the overview, or down here on the left and enhancements go through each individual section here. And find some of these errors that you're getting. So for example, I get errors with logos. 

I've tried to fix these errors and it won't fix them. It doesn't seem to impact my search engine rankings. But as a best practice, what you want to do is make sure that you're completely valid with all of these different things here. 

So that's something that I definitely need to work on for my website. So that's gonna be number two uses the enhancements section.

You can go directly to the overview tab and see all these right here, or go one by one to the enhancements to find some of these technical issues and make sure that you're fixing them for your website.

3. Compare Data Ranges. Improve Google Rankings

Next is going to be number three. So number three is going to be to compare date ranges to find negative differences. So this is a pretty simple one. So what we're going to be doing is we're gonna be coming back to this performance tab here, 

and you can see total clicks total impressions and instead of using date last three months, what we can do is instead of using filter click on compare here, and we can compare the last three months to the previous three months before that, so click on Apply. 

So you can see here I've been able to more than double my click double my impressions over a six-month period. So comparing three months to the previous three months before that I've been able to drive a lot more traffic back to my website, and that's a trend that I'm hoping to continue to keep improving over time. 

But what we can do with compare is we can come down here and you're gonna see last three months click previous three months clicks, you, you can rank all these things and you can see something like radon Christmas, for example. 

I drove 333 clicks over the last three months compared to the previous three months, which is 38. So a lot of this is due to seasonality, but some of it's also due to optimizing for these keywords a little bit better before the holiday season. One thing that we can do is we can click on Filters here. 

And under filters what we can do is we can see differences in clicks and differences and impressions. So I like looking at differences in impressions because I'm seeing impressions drop. I want to know why specific pages or specific search terms are having those differences. 

So I'm going to come here to difference and you're going to see right here it's going to say equals not equals greater than or smaller than. 

So if I'm doing smaller than zero, what that means is anything that's had a drop in impressions over the last three months, it's going to show here over to the right-hand side. 

So I'm going to click on done here, and you're going to see the last three months' clicks previous three months' clicks. So all of these have added drops and impressions. 

So if we come over here to previous three months' impressions, and we do it by that column, you're going to see something here farmhouse Christmas ornaments. 

I've lost about 1000 searches here. Now some of these I'm not overly concerned about because a lot of times what it means is just seasonality people aren't searching as much for some of these Christmas terms as they were previously. I like to do this with pages. 

Because if I come to pages and I look at these differences, I can find some of the pages that are losing impressions in the search results. So if I come down over here, and I see best farmhouse dining tables, so I've lost a little bit over here now this has had a big drop off each individual product page, you're gonna see I've lost a lot of clicks here. 

And I've lost a lot of impressions. That's something where maybe I go back to the product page, see if there's something where I can add some new images, and make sure that my title tag and everything is optimized. 

So for individual product pages, it's not something they're worried about as much. But if I keep scrolling down here, you're gonna see farmhouse coffee tables. So for that, I've lost 1000 impressions. 

Only seven clicks over a three-month period. So it's really not the end of the world. But if I do find some of these pages here, where I'm losing clicks, losing impressions, what I can do is make sure that I go back to that content, make sure it's as relevant as possible, add anything I need to enhance that content because this is starting to become a trend where a page like this it's starting to lose impressions. So it's going to start losing clicks as well. 

So since I've had a lot of growth here, I don't have a ton of pages that are declining. And a lot of these are just individual product pages. Now you might see something like this. This is an accelerated mobile page for farmhouse ceiling fans. 

So it might just be something where that individual page isn't being indexed as often. So with Accelerated Mobile Pages, I don't worry as much about comparing. But what I do like to do is see some of these impression drop-offs. 

Look at some of these click drop-offs. And if I can find some of these differences, I can go back to these pieces of content and I can make sure that I optimize them so I don't continue to lose all these clicks. I want to make sure my clicks are increasing over time. So if I'm seeing a page that I know I want to be ranking, 

I want to get a better average position for that. It's something where if I'm seeing these negative trends, I need to go and approve that page. So that's gonna be number three is going to be to compare date ranges to find negative differences.

 4. Find the Search Queries Driving Traffic to a Page

Number four is going to be to find the individual search queries that are driving traffic to a page. So what you can do is if I come over here, and we come back to the Performance tab if we scroll down, and we click on Pages here, 

What we can do is we can click on an individual page to see what's driving traffic to that page. So let's use this one right here farmhouse bath rug. So we're going to click on this page. 

So now that's going to be our filter is going to be the page up here. You can also do this by adding individual pages by coming to New and then clicking on the page here and entering that URL directly. So what this is showing is over the last three months, 

This individual page on my website has driven 195 clicks 7.4 1000 impressions, if I scroll down what you can see as it's just showing this page, if I click on queries, instead, it's going to show the actual search terms that are driving traffic and driving impressions for that page. 

So what this allows me to do is see what these top search terms are, make sure that my content is completely optimized. For the search terms. 

And maybe if I want to find something like a farmhouse that matches, for example, maybe that's a keyword that I can pull out and either create my own piece of content for that keyword or make sure that I really focus a lot on farmhouse bathmats in the article. 

So I like looking at these search terms for individual pages because you're going to find a lot of different ideas and some ways that you can continue to improve your content. 

So when I did this with the farmhouse dining table, what I found was people were looking up around farmhouse dining tables, rectangle farmhouse dining tables, white brown farmhouse dining tables. So using all of these different sub-topics, I can make sure that my content is optimized for those subtopics. 

And I can even take some of those sub-topics out and use them as their own piece of content to continue to improve our rankings for those keywords. So this is going to be number four is to find the search queries driving traffic to a page. 

All you need to do is use the filter at the top and to the individual page and then just look at the search queries for that page. And it's going to show you the clicks and impressions that are driving traffic and it's going to help you continue to optimize for these different keywords, even if you have to create a whole new piece of content.

5. Find Indexing Issues. Improve Google Rankings with Google Search Console 

Now number five is going to be to inspect URLs, find indexing issues and technical issues. So this is kind of going to go along with some of these enhancements that I showed you earlier. But what we can do is up at the very top here to see inspect any URL and farmhouse goals. com. 

So up here at the top, you can see I've inspected a couple URLs. So what I want to inspect right here are farmhouse shelves. So in the inspection page and saying URL is on Google, 

But it has issues. So what we can see is coverage submitted indexed mobile usability pages mobile-friendly by link amp version is valid but with warnings.

So that goes back to some of the issues we saw on the enhancements earlier. So I have to make sure that I continue to improve that. So right if I can click on amp here, keep scrolling down you're gonna see the amp version is indexed, 

But the image size is smaller than the recommended size. So that means I need to fix my image sizes on the amp version for this page, and probably for other pages as well. 

Now if we come back over here to URL inspection, and we scroll down to logos, it's saying one invalid item detected so if we click on it, it's going to show us what the exact issue is an unnamed item, missing field URL. I don't

Inspect URL to Find Indexing Issues and Technical Issues

know why it's showing the missing field URL. I have the URL here, but maybe it's a different issue that I'm not seeing. So this is something where I need to go and probably contact a developer or contact someone who can fix this issue for me unless I do a quick Google search and figure it out that way. So seeing some of these errors in the URL inspection, helps you find some indexing issues. 

So you might enter your URL here and it says URL is not on Google. It's not indexed, and we'll show you exactly why it's not indexed. It might just be something where your robot's dot txt file is blocking an individual page or a section on your website. So URL inspection can be very useful for finding some of these issues. Maybe you have your mobile usability issues. 

You want to make sure you get those fixed because you want coverage to be good, mobile usability to be good accelerated mobile pages to be good so that everything is indexed and ranking as well as it possibly can be. So these are some more errors that I need to fix. And I can find them directly through the Google Search Console. 

6. Find Data about Individual Search Queries Driving Traffic

Next is going to be number six. So number six is to find data about individual search queries that are driving traffic. So what I can do is if I come back over here, we're going to come to the performance. And we're going to click on new here. 

So rather than doing page we're going to be doing query so if we click here, you can do exact queries query not containing specific words, or queries containing words unless just use farmhouse shelves here, for example, click on Apply. So over the last week, I've been optimizing my website for this individual search term. 

Certainly seeing 20 clicks over 7000 impressions over the last three months. I want to kind of triple even quadruple some of these numbers to make sure I'm driving multiple clicks per day related to farmhouse shelves. 

But if I enter queries containing farmhouse shelves here, and that continue to scroll down what you're going to see is these different search terms that are driving clicks and impressions back to my website. 

So this allows me to find some different content ideas because someone looking for farmhouse shelves, might have a different intent than someone who's looking for them specifically for their bathroom, or specifically industrial style farmhouse shelves, or maybe they're looking for something with hooks, maybe they're looking for floating farmhouse shelves. So what I've done is I've used a lot of this data to actually guide some of my content decisions. 

So if I come over to my blog for farmhouse goals, com you're gonna see some of the different articles that I posted. So industrial shelves, bathroom shelves, kitchen shelves, rustic kitchen shelves, so I'm trying to optimize for more of these different keywords. 

And the way I've done it is I've taken some of these different keywords here, and I've used them as subtopics. So essentially, I have a page about farmhouse shelves on my website that links off to all these different pages, and also includes a lot of content around farmhouse shelves. Basically, everything everyone needs to know about choosing different styles. 

So using these types of data and using the search queries that are driving traffic to your website for specific topics. You can not only find sub-topics, but you can start to create some of these content hubs, some of these topic clusters that are going to allow you to rank higher in Google for all of these related keywords because my website will be seen as a great resource for people who are specifically looking for farmhouse shelves. 

7. Look for Low CTR Pages to Make Improvements Google Rankings

Next is going to be number seven. Last but not least, is to look for low click-through rate pages to make improvements to your title tags to make improvements to those pages so you can improve your position and improve your click-through right in the Google search results. 

This one will be pretty easy to show. So all we need to do is we're going to come over here we're going to get rid of this search query farmhouse shelves. So we're looking at our entire website last three months. So we're going to click on Pages here. And what I want to do is I just want to click over here and filter. Let's just say impressions are greater than 5000. 

So we want to find some of our top pages. We don't want to find pages that only have 1020 30 impressions. So impressions are greater than 5000 Over the last three months. And then what we can do is we can look at the average click-through rate here, and we'll just add an average position as well. So if we keep scrolling down what we're going to see our clicks impressions click-through rate position. So what I'm going to do is click on the click-through rate. 

So these are the top click-through rate pages, and then we're going to click it again. So this is gonna give us the lowest click-through rate pages. The first one here is the best farmhouse dining tables. So my average position is pretty poor for this individual page. 

So it's definitely a page that aims to improve. But if we keep scrolling down, you're going to see some different product pages that have a very low click-through rate and then I can see something here farmhouse copper sinks very low click-through rate. So if I can get this click-through rate up to 1% that's going to help me 10x The amount of clicks that I'm driving back to my website. 

So keep scrolling down you're gonna see a lot of product pages here. So with the product pages what I would probably do is click on each individual one and see if I can improve the title maybe improve the meta description a little bit and see what's making these pages have such a poor click-through rate for something like stainless steel farmhouse sinks for farmhouse copper sinks, 

what I need to do is find a title tag template that's going to help me drive more traffic back to my website. The other issue might just be that the average position is so low, that even if people are clicking to the second page or the third page of the Google search results, they're not actually clicking on my URL because it's so far down in Google. 

So I need to improve my position here. And I need to improve my title tag to make sure that people are gonna be more likely to click some of these different articles. So I like to look at low click-through rate pages because if I'm already getting these impressions if I can improve this average click-through rate if I could double my average click-through rate I would double my clicks. 

So it's something kind of simple to understand in theory but is a lot more difficult to execute and then something where I need to find my pages that are driving this low click-through rate. Find some of these pages with a poor average position and go through and improve them one by one. 

So I love using the Google Search Console. It's a completely free tool, you're going to drive the majority of your organic search traffic from Google. So it makes sense to use this tool to understand the types of search terms that are driving traffic to your website, your pages that are performing well your pages that are performing poorly, 

and then find some of these technical issues as well and fix them one by one. So I clearly have a lot of work to do with farmhouse goals calm, happy with my overall results. You can see over the last three months I've been able to double my traffic, double my impressions.

So if I continue on with that trend, then I can keep driving more and more traffic to my website, which equals more revenue. So that's why you want to use some of these tips and tricks for Google Search Console. 

These are seven of the different things that I do when I'm going through Google Search Console to try to improve my rankings to find some of these different opportunities. if you can find the complete research SEO tools free & paid then click here...